Feel welcome

Starters "are students who are at the beginning of their vocational education. They have not yet obtained a school diploma and are usually looking for their first positive experience with school. The students choose which lessons they participate in and their experience, knowledge and interest are an essential part. Lessons can be, of course,  adapted and supplemented according to your own wishes and views. 

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On the board write the word Christmas and have all say something. I write it down and then discuss it.

The feasts and celebrations we have in the Netherlands do not all exist in other cultures. It can also be the case that celebrations have a completely different content.
In Germany, people attach great importance to celebrating Christmas Eve.
In America, Christmas is also primarily the time of Santa Claus. In the Netherlands, Santa Claus is increasingly in the picture, only much less so than in e.g. America.
For some, Christmas is primarily about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. For others, Christmas is about giving and receiving gifts. And for another it is all about being together with family and friends.

The Christmas story of Joseph, Mary and the baby Jesus is, of course, central to Christmas. But in addition, many countries have their own customs and traditions around Christmas. That makes Christmas special in every country!

In England and America, people hang mistletoe in the house at Christmas. In the Netherlands, this branch is called Maretak and is a symbol of friendship. If someone accidentally stands under the mistletoe (of course, everyone stands under it on purpose!) they can be kissed!

Straw goats
In Scandinavia, the goat plays a major role in Christmas celebrations. According to an old legend, evil spirits appear at the turn of the year. Goats are said to be able to drive away these evil spirits. Children therefore dress up as goats around Christmas time and people give each other little straw goats as presents.

Three Kings
For children in Spain and Italy, Three Kings is especially a celebration. On this day, children go trick-or-treating with lanterns to collect candy (sort of like Saint Martin's Day or Halloween) and receive presents in their shoes. This tradition refers to the presents that the three kings brought for Jesus.

In Eastern Europe, people fast before Christmas. Fasting involves eating and drinking as little as possible for a period of time, and reflecting on your faith. Only when the first star appears in the sky on Christmas Eve do people go to the table. During dinner, a chair is always left vacant: for the Christmas child.

Straw on the floor
Finally, in Poland, straw is placed on the floor and on the table as a reminder of the stable of Bethlehem. They also eat oplatek. This is a flat bread in which Christmas figures are printed. The bread goes around so everyone can break off a piece. If you're not home, you get a piece sent to you
Different cultures during Christmas.

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