Feel welcome

Starters "are students who are at the beginning of their vocational education. They have not yet obtained a school diploma and are usually looking for their first positive experience with school. The students choose which lessons they participate in and their experience, knowledge and interest are an essential part. Lessons can be, of course,  adapted and supplemented according to your own wishes and views. 

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Why do people work?

1. Write down why you think people are going to work.
2. What are jobs you like to do and why?
3. What are jobs that you really don't like to do and why?
4. Do you prefer to work with men or women, boys or girls?
5. Would you rather have a man or a woman in charge?
6. What do you choose? Nice team / annoying work. Annoying team / nice work? Give an explanation of your answer.
7. What do you choose: Good salary / annoying work. Bad salary / nice work?
Give an explanation of your answer.

Teacher writes the following words on the board without the meaning behind it:
Intoxication (poisoning),
Strabismus (squinting),
Erratic (wandering),
Hygrophyte (plant adapted to very humid conditions),
Onomasticon (list, book of personal names).
Cloisonnism (painting style)
It is important that you adapt your language use, there is a difficult word for everything.
What effect can you get when you use difficult words?

Status (prestige)
# Everyone writes down for themselves (do not read out, but keep it in the group):
- 2 professions that are high in prestige for you and 2 that are low in prestige.
- Does this have to do with....

Income Training Social prestige.
We're talking about someone's socio-economic position.
It may be that people look up to the other person, this has mainly to do with dependency.

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