Feel welcome

Starters "are students who are at the beginning of their vocational education. They have not yet obtained a school diploma and are usually looking for their first positive experience with school. The students choose which lessons they participate in and their experience, knowledge and interest are an essential part. Lessons can be, of course,  adapted and supplemented according to your own wishes and views. 

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Purpose of the lesson is to learn more about lying and what the possible consequences can be.
1. What is lying?
2. What does it mean when you make a statement under oath?
3. What is perjury and what punishment can you get for it?
4. What is a lie detector?
5. Where and when is the lie detector ever used?
6. Why do people lie or not tell the truth?
7. Withholding the truth, is that lying?
8. What is a white lie?
9. Can you tell when people are lying? How do you see that? How can you see it in you?

What is lying? Deliberately saying untrue things. Speaking untruth, joking, not telling the truth.
Being under oath means that you solemnly promise to tell the truth.
Perjury under oath is a deliberate false statement.
In the Netherlands, perjury is punishable by imprisonment of up to six years or a fine of up to €20,500.
You can tell lies by: Heart rate, sweating, blood pressure, muscle tension and breathing.
Fibbing or lying?
A distinction is made between lying and fibbing. In younger children we generally speak of fibbing. Younger children are not yet able to consciously distort the truth, because a young child is not yet able to look at the truth objectively. Only when the child realizes that what he or she is saying is not true and the child consciously twists the truth to prevent an unpleasant consequence of his or her own behaviour, we speak of lying.
A lie always comes back to haunt you.
A 'white lie' is meant to achieve a good cause and is therefore judged more mildly.
For a pathological liar, lying is part of his clinical picture; ...

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