Feel welcome

Starters "are students who are at the beginning of their vocational education. They have not yet obtained a school diploma and are usually looking for their first positive experience with school. The students choose which lessons they participate in and their experience, knowledge and interest are an essential part. Lessons can be, of course,  adapted and supplemented according to your own wishes and views. 

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Leisure time.

Purpose of the lesson is to learn more about the importance of your free time.
Conversation: Boredom is a slow acting poison.

1. What is leisure time?
Free time is time when you have no obligations to do anything.

2. Circle the activities you usually do in your free time.
Watching TV - Reading - Computing - Being bored - Listening to music - Playing games - Other: .........

3. What hobby or hobbies do you have?

4. What can be the consequences if someone is alone and gets bored?

5. What can be the consequences if a group of young people gets bored? And have you ever experienced this yourself?

6. Do you have any idea how this last point can be solved?
Can the government or municipality do something about it?

Don’t straight up outlaw things but provide alternatives
E.g. no watching TV or gaming >> play games together.

There is also a lesson about free time at Social work. This lesson has more to do with the interpretation of the free time of the clients.

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