Starters "are students who are at the beginning of their vocational education. They have not yet obtained a school diploma and are usually looking for their first positive experience with school. The students choose which lessons they participate in and their experience, knowledge and interest are an essential part. Lessons can be, of course, adapted and supplemented according to your own wishes and views.
The purpose of the lesson is for you to learn more about (foreign) languages that are spoken. 1. Quiz. 2. Answer the following... Meer
When I was little.
Whoever plays games with the target group? Musical - agogic methodology. Musical education >> artistic (sense of art). ~ The point is to encourage the client to engage with his or her ... Meer
Work format to be determined by yourself. The point is to learn from this information. Back in the [school] days: - Which teacher impressed you. Think for example of punishment, how something was... Meer
1. What occupations are mostly held by men and why? 2. Which occupations are mostly held by women and why? 3. Which occupations are held by both men and women and why? 4. Which profession have you heard of... Meer
If you want to know more about the other person, you can follow up with open-ended questions. Open-ended questions usually begin with: Who, what, where, when and how. Closed questions: the other person only... Meer
Facial expression.
Several ways to engage with this issue. - Have a phone conversation (backs to each other). - Competition in the classroom, 2 pairs look at each other and whoever laughs, drops out. - Hand out cards that have... Meer
Discuss Discussing is what you do when you have a difference of opinion. If you don't get it right, then you have to be able to back up your opinion with arguments, or you use counterarguments to undermine the... Meer
The purpose of the lesson is for you to learn more about your role while working together. 1. What do you think about when we talk about working together? 2. Would you rather work together with a... Meer
On the board write the word Christmas and have all say something. I write it down and then discuss it. The feasts and celebrations we have in the Netherlands do not all exist in other cultures. ... Meer
Write on the board what you can all celebrate. # What do you think about......................... Work in threes: - For each 3-some, draw a picture on the board and let the class guess which celebration is... Meer
Working in the care sector.
Goal of the lesson is that you have learned more about why people (want to) work in health care? Discuss with a group why you think people (want to) work in healthcare? Explanation of the... Meer
Why do people work?
1. Write down why you think people are going to work. 2. What are jobs you like to do and why? 3. What are... Meer
Quiz: What means of transport do you know? - 2 students or more 1 point - 2 students 2 points - Alone 3 points What is the importance of means of transport? What means of... Meer
In which occupations do people wear work clothes/uniforms? Why do they wear work clothes/uniforms? How can you tell from the work clothes/uniforms that there are different positions or grades? What are the... Meer
Purpose of the lesson is to learn more about taking, showing and consulting about responsibility. You will work together with the students with whom you are sitting at the same table. ... Meer
Raising children of different ages.
Age stages of children: Baby: up to 1 ½ years, contact, attention, structure, rest, Toddler: 1 ½ - 4 years, never leave alone, don't explain too much, shy, short activities. Toddler: 4 - 6 years, take care of... Meer
Punish or reward.
Why punishment? - Something is done that shouldn't be done, e.g. breaking the law. - Did not abide by agreements or rules. - Has produced or destroyed too little. - As a form of lesson. - Counter against... Meer
Goal of the lesson is to learn more about privacy, personal space and how to deal with it. 1. What is privacy? 2. What is your privacy? ... Meer
Personal care.
Purpose of the lesson is that you know what is meant by personal care. Teacher makes a spider by circling the subject on the board. Everyone says what he thinks about this subject and the teacher puts it on... Meer
Me and my colleagues.
At your on-the-job-training or workplace you are dealing with colleagues. Sometimes you work alone and there are activities that you do together with your colleague(s). - Name 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages... Meer
Purpose of the lesson is to learn more about lying and what the possible consequences can be. 1. What is lying? 2. What does it mean when you make a statement under oath? 3. What is perjury and what... Meer
Leisure time.
Purpose of the lesson is to learn more about the importance of your free time. Conversation: Boredom is a slow acting poison. 1. What is leisure time? Free time is time when you have no obligations to do... Meer
Elderly people.
Purpose of the lesson is to learn more about older people and how to care for/guide older people. 1. When are you old? 2. What are your experiences with older people? 3. Tell me... Meer
Dogs help people.
How are dogs used to help people? Do you have a dog? If so, what does it mean to you? Scientists have shown: - Dogs have a... Meer
Children's toys.
Aim of the lesson is to learn more about play and play behaviour of children of different ages. In this lesson you will work together with your fellow students. 1. Write down and discuss... Meer
Animals help people.
Do you have any examples where animals help people? Search the internet with classmates for examples of how animals help people. What is your opinion on the subject: animals helping people. Do you have any... Meer
- During which event was the most expensive advertising broadcast in Finland? - What do you pay attention to when making an advertisement: Making information up to date and for Finnish students! Most... Meer
The aim of the lesson is to learn more about laughter. 1. What is laughter? 2. Is laughter healthy? Explain. 3. Do you have a sense of humor? 4. Why is it important to laugh at your work or internship? 5. When... Meer
What do people remember?
An important factor in choosing work methods is what do people remember. The following list is telling. We remember: • 10% of what we read • 20% of what we hear • 30% of what we see • 50% of what we hear... Meer
Sports, why?
Purpose of the course is to think of reasons why people take part in sports. In this course you mostly get asked for your opinion and start conversations. We start with 2 quizzes: Wat are the 10 most... Meer
Purpose of the course is to find out more about tattoos. Teacher puts the word ‘’tattoo’’ on the board, and will continue to write all of the words that are mentioned after the first question in a way that it... Meer
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