Lessons are for students who are working and interested in social work.
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Types of information.
Process information.
This is information about the daily execution of the work. For example:
~ How do we deal with the clients?
~ Who does what?
~ How do we carry out the work?
~ According to what roster do we work?
If you don't get enough process information, there is a good chance that you will not be able to do your job.
can't do any good. There will be a lot of uncertainty about your task and a
Policy information.
This information relates to the goals and whether the organization manages to achieve them.
This information can be divided into different policy areas:
~ Residents policy.
~ Personnel policy.
~ Financial policy.
For example, you want to know what budget is available for your department
or how many qualified personnel are allowed to work in a group.
Motivational information.
Exchanging information that helps employees meet underlying needs.
In concrete terms:
~ Bottlenecks in working conditions.
~ Promoting social contacts.
~ Appreciation and compliments.
You have regular conversations with colleagues and supervisors about your
vision of work.
Formally during performance appraisals and counselling interviews and
informally during coffee or the staff outing.
Motivational information of course only works if there is
the exchange of information and not just the reception of information.
Motivational information comes across better the better the atmosphere is.
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