Feel welcome

Lessons are for students who are working and interested in social work. 

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Social problems.

Basic information about social problems.

Social problems (often more than one cause):
- Housing problems.
- Limited social skills.
- Unemployment.
- Occupational disability.
- Low income and increasing debt.
- Relationship problems between partners.
- Problems parent/child.

What your life looks like is determined by (book and reading aloud):
- Construction.
- Surroundings.
- Your own will and choice.

Points of attention when guiding people with social problems:
- Try to put yourself in the other persons situation.
- Do not judge people.
- Do not give unsolicited advice.
- Show interest in the client and his problem.
- In case of problem advice, ask your manager.

A bias is a premature judgement. You say something when you are not sure if it is true.

I - Person-centred culture is centred on the individual (it's about what you think is important, not the group.

We - Group-focused culture, you just think you do a lot with each other (friends or family). Attaches a lot of value to this.

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