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Lessons are for students who are working and interested in social work. 

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Shocking life events.

Accompany at shocking life events.

In this lesson the theory ”mourning process" can be used.

Goals of the lessons, you can:
1. Describe important life events and their meaning for
2. Empathize with the client's situation.
3. Describe possible consequences.
4. Give attention and support to both the client and your
5. Knowledge of the theory of loss, mourning, expressions of grief
and mourning.

Question: What can you lose (more than death)? [write on the board]
You can think of: moving house, job, pet, best friend neighbours, hair, limb, health, virginity, divorce.

~ Describe a loss experience of your own that you experienced when
you were in elementary school.
(Working in the group and exchanging information there).
- what happened when;
- how old were you;
- if there were other people involved;
- write down a positive and a negative reaction;
- what did the teacher do;
- what role did your classmates play;
- what did you learn from it;
- how would you like to have dealt with it now.

~ Tell the class as a group your conclusion.

Discuss the statements and then report back to the class.

1. Well she doesn't seem to have much grief either, she goes out every
2. If you want to come to terms with loss, you have to talk a lot about it.
3. You just have to find a lot of distractions, the sooner you'll get over it.
4. You don't have to keep all the stuff, that's how you cherish the grief.
5. It's been 6 months, haven't you gotten over it yet?

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