Lessons are for students who are working and interested in social work.
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Professional attitude.
Everyone fills in the list below for themselves without explanation.
While filling it in, there will be questions about what is meant and what situations are involved. No explanation, just fill it in.
When everyone has filled in everything, the first student will ask a question to the other "would you like to read question 2". Student will read the question with what he has written. The person asking does the same. Next student may ask someone. During the lesson the students find out that it differs depending on who you are dealing with and in what situation. If your sister gives you a big mouth in the kitchen, you will probably react differently when the director at your work does this. You can give examples of yourself and then explain that this has to do with your professional attitude.
Afterwards, or in a separate lesson, continue with the statements
1. If I'm angry, you can/can’t see it in me because I....
2. If somebody talks to me and he stutters really badly then.....
3. If someone starts to raise his voice to me then ....
4. If somebody hurts me then .......
5. If I tell someone something and I notice that they are not listening then ......
6. If someone laughs at me then ....
7. When I quarrel with someone, I do this in the following way (e.g. by yelling, shouting, not saying anything, looking angry or otherwise) ....
Working method when discussing the propositions:
- Discuss the propositions in your group.
- Put your opinion per thesis on paper.
- Assign per thesis one person from your group who will say the word
feeds. At the next statement another one is speaking so that
each one discusses a proposition [some do two].
- We're going to discuss the propositions in class, per group there's
one person speaking.
The propositions:
a. A client who asks a lot, I find it difficult; to teach him that, I make him wait an extra-long time.
b. When I help someone who is in a wheelchair, I find that pathetic. I always try to be extra cordial.
c. When an elderly person can still dress himself, but that clearly takes trouble, I dress him sometimes.
d. Elderly people already have so little and you can spoil them.
e. When I don't feel well, I always tell the children honestly. Then they know it has nothing to do with them.
f. I spend more time on one resident than on another.
Residents are so different. One needs more time and attention than the other.
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