Lessons are for students who are working and interested in social work.
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Power, powerlessness and abuse of power.
I have power when I say something and it's listened to.
I become powerless when I say something and it's not listened to.
Abuse of power... when?
Making groups, putting them together according to the following criteria:
1st: Objective (living, teaching, entertaining).
2nd: Age of clients.
3rd: Level clients.
Prepare questions on the board for 20 minutes and put them on flaps.
- What means of power does the social-worker have at his disposal?
- Is there a situation where the social-worker abuses his power?
- In what situation does the social worker feel powerless?
Own example: I worked in a living group for 14 to 20 year olds with behavioural problems. One of the boys, Peter, was annoying at the table and he had to go upstairs to his own bedroom. He didn't feel like listening to me so I get angry, carried him upstairs and put him in his room. When I came back downstairs Ricardo said to me: "With me you wouldn't". I became silent and brought Peter back downstairs and we discussed my way of doing things. A few facts in a row: Peter was 14 years old, 5'10", and he doesn't do sports. Ricardo was 17 years old, 1 meter 90, kickboxer and on and to sportsman. I worked alone.
Power is about not getting corrupted;
It's about the purpose you have and the way you use power.
Theory about the different kinds of power:
Institutional power >> client is often insecure within an institution.
Expertise power >> knowledge is power, you often know more.
Sanctioning power >> punishing / rewarding (un)desired behaviour.
Reference / identification power >> client wants to be like you (example function).
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