Lessons are for students who are working and interested in social work.
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Meeting technology.
1. Lobbying.
Outside the consultation you try to influence the decision making.
You look for participants who you feel have doubts about their point of view.
2. Salami tactics.
You know that your proposal is too bulky to offer in one go,
there's a good chance it'll be rejected.
You choose to offer the proposal in separate "slices".
3. Tying.
Nice and less nice proposals will be linked together as one proposal.
4. Surprise [robbery].
Participants are overwhelmed with a completely new proposal.
The attendees did not have enough time to think about that proposal.
5. Slow down.
Counterpart of overpowering. You don't want a new proposal to be implemented.
You make sure that every point is discussed in detail.
6. Sabotage.
The meeting makes a decision but you implement it differently.
7. Counterarguments
Every argument a contestant comes up with,
you answer with a counter argument.
8. Unravel arguments.
You go into the arguments of a participant and bit by bit deconstruct them
9. Pre-consultation.
You seek contact with like-minded people beforehand.
10. Influencing emergence.
The acceptance or rejection of a proposal may depend on
the presence or absence of a few participants.
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