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Lessons are for students who are working and interested in social work. 

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Legal frameworks.

Working within the legal frameworks in the Netherlands.

Searching the internet for laws that we may have to deal with in our assistance.

Tutor explaining the difference between rights and obligations.
With many of these laws you have to deal with rights and obligations.
Your legal position means that your rights are protected by law.
The laws determine the frameworks within which you have to work as a counsellor, this includes the rights of clients.

Rules of the game: Per law that more other groups have 1 point.
A law that 1 other group has is 2 points.
A law that you only have is 3 points.

# Examples of legal frameworks within which you work:
~ Salaries, labour law [night work, age?], working hours decision.
~ Medical disciplinary law, who may do what to a client [medication].
~ Deprivation of liberty.
~ Hygiene and (fire) safety requirements (occupational health and safety law).
~ Information law.
~ Does something go wrong use an EAAA (Errors-Accidents-After-Accidents) form (called different by institution).
~ Privacy Policy
~ Law on provision for the disabled
~ General Exceptional Medical Expenses Act (AWBZ Act).
~ Re-integration and Employment Act (REA Act).
~ Registration of Personal Data Act.
~ Incapacity for Work Act (WIA).
~ Algemene Ouderdom Wet (AOW).
~ Youth Care Act (Wet jeugdzorg).
~ Special Admissions to Psychiatric Hospitals (BOPZ).
~ Supervision, Mentorship, Guardianship, Administration, Judiciary.
~ Childcare law.

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