Lessons are for students who are working and interested in social work.
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Goal of the lesson is that you know more about independence and how to deal with this as a professional. What is self-reliance?
This lesson can be combined with the lesson "Tasks and lifestyles" of SW.
Explanation by the teacher about the different forms of independence:
- Physical ADL. Decorating, eating, washing
- Sufficient social skills, can say no, stand up for yourself
- Spiritual values and norms, sense of responsibility
- Emotional how to deal with relationship, looking for approval
- Financially, a person can provide for himself
- Social rescue in society, facilities, institutions, travel and traffic.
(Students themselves score how independent they are with a grade from 0 to 10)
- Give a score of independence for your target group.
- What form(s) of independence do you focus on with your clients?
- In what way are you working on it, e.g. learning or maintaining it?
Request for help, goals and skills
- ADL and ADML
- Skills for self-sufficiency
- Administrative skills
- Financial Skills
- Household skills
- Social Skills
- Leisure activities.
Closing a conversation about self-reliance.
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