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Lessons are for students who are working and interested in social work. 

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Answer two questions in detail and discuss them with each other.

1.Working with people and clients from different cultural backgrounds seems to me ...
2.When in my work I deal with clients from different cultural backgrounds, I will …

We're assuming it's possible that you don't have the same cultural background as the client. This means that one or more cultural aspects differ between you and the client: e.g. language, customs, habits, traditions, norms and values, rituals, religion, rights. Yet it is your task to guide this client.
So you will have to develop skills to be able to guide clients with different cultural backgrounds.

Working with clients from different cultural backgrounds:
- Ethnocentric vision: Starting from your own culture, only an eye for different people, not for different cultures.
- Culturalizing vision: Emphasis on cultural difference. This is their culture.
- Constructivist vision: Middle way there is a dialogue.

- Seeing other cultures as less valuable.
- Prejudice or racism.
- Cultural dominance [have to adapt].
- Knowledge alone is not enough, there must also be respect.

Every human being reacts from his own frame of reference.
The set of values and norms from which a person lives, thinks and feels.
The construction of this comes from: education, experiences, feelings, ideas and prejudices. In other words, a frame of reference has to do with someone's cultural background

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