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Lessons are for students who are working and interested in social work. 

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Client wants to tell you someting in confidence.

What do you do?
- Everyone writes down his opinion and reads it out.
- Keep information until the end of the first lesson.

Teacher explains the inequality part.

Inequality between client and professional consists of the following aspects:

- Freedom >>> Bonding
Professionals have more freedom than clients.

- Expertise >>> Inexperience
Professional has often had an education, client is a layman.

- Closeness >>> Openness
Professional shows feelings selectively, openness is expected from the client.

- Independence >>> Dependency
Clients depend on you in many things, you less on the client.

- Power >>> Powerless
You're usually the most powerful, you can often put something through.

- Irreversibility of positions and roles.

Getting students to look back at what they wrote. Maybe their opinion will change after the teacher's explanation.

In many cases it will be indicated that you can have the client tell something in confidence. To be honest, that used to be my opinion as well. The only thing I experienced was that clients told me something annoying or shocking and then emphatically reminded me that I was not allowed to tell anything (I had promised).
Not really professional of me, I know something that I am not allowed to tell on. I have a problem, but much worse, the client probably doesn't get the right help/care. In addition, there is a chance that the client is splitting up with the team (I will talk to that colleague because I trust him more than you do).
You will always have to tell in advance that you are trying to keep it to yourself. In addition, you should have the opportunity to share it with my colleagues. If the client doesn't want to tell me anything, it is important to tell the team that she is somewhere with me.
If you promise a client that you won't tell them anything and afterwards you decide to do so anyway, there is a chance that you will damage the client's trust in you.

This also happens in private situations. A friend tells you something and then says "I don't want you to tell anyone". It's nicer when you ask in advance if you can tell the other person something in confidence. You give the opportunity to say no or to say "yes" as described above.

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