Lessons are for students who are working and interested in social work.
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Act concistently
A quality of a Social Worker is that he always acts consistently.
Consistent = Someone who does or says things that fit what he previously
has done or said. He doesn't always change his mind.
It is not consistent to make a commitment and then not to do it.
- Write down an opinion about the statement and tell it without people responding.
- Reading childhood memories of Jan Ligthart and after reading a conversation in which the following points should be discussed.
The following must be discussed:
- Strive to act consistently.
- Know why you deviate.
- Can clients handle it if you don't act consistently?
- Inform your colleagues.
A piece rewritten by me from the book 'Childhood memories.' by Jan Ligthart.
As a punishment, I was not allowed to go to my boyfriend's birthday party that evening. Undress immediately and go to bed without food. This was a great punishment for me, because I had imagined this game a lot.
No one, however, will consider that punishment too heavy. Playing truant for three weeks, cheating on your parents for three weeks is no small feat.
But would you like to get to know my mother now? When I had been lying quietly in my bed until about 8:30 am, crying over and over again, my mother came to my bed. I took her hand and kissed it. She bent over me and I put my arms around her. "Are you sorry?" "Oh yes," and I started crying again. "Will you never do it again?" "No, certainly never again."
That silent crying against her, it was so invigorating, almost blissful. What a happy possession for a child; a mother. And then mother said, "Would you like to go to Piet's party for an hour?" I couldn't believe my ears; to the party, right? "I said," please. "Well then come on.
Immediately I was out of bed, washed, put on my best clothes, kissed her once, twice, three times and flew out of the house, into the forfeited and already closed children's heaven, which was now opened for me again.
I do not want to tell you about the party fun here, it is not important now, but I have to say a word in defence of my mother against official pedagogy. That pedagogy wanted me to believe that an educator must be consistent. He should not punish quickly, he prescribes, but once he punishes, he must also continue. Once a child has to stay for an hour, it must also stay for an hour. Because otherwise the pedagogy prescribes that punishment works as a vain threat and the child will no longer be bothered by it.
But shall I say something to Pedagogy ... the Omniscient? In my own experience, this prescription hits the face. With her generalization she spoils all her wisdom. My mother was not consistent in an extreme way, she had imposed a very light sentence, and she largely relieved me of that sentence. And she did so out of sheer weakness because she couldn't have allowed her naughty boy to be deprived of what he considered to be a great pleasure. She couldn't be consistent. She asserted grace for justice out of only tenderness. And what was the result that I still kiss her hand in my mind. That I would do everything for Mother later and carry her through life as a saint. That was the result of her inconsistency. Pedagogy also forgets one thing. She forgets the silent power.
The miraculous influence of the personality. Pedagogy works with measures.
She answers the question, "What should I do? "
She must answer the question, "How am I supposed to be?"
To do? .. To do?
Give an unfit one the most excellent means and he will backfire with it.
Be something and education is from your Being.
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