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"Anything you say will be used against you."
- Learning to argue a statement.
- Learning to defend a statement.
- Learning to listen.
- Recognizing different types of arguments.
Supporting your opinion with different arguments.
- Business, these are verifiable and factual arguments.
- Emotional, involves feelings.
- Moral, has to do with your conscience, right and wrong (values and
Do you come up with counter arguments or are you going to unravel an argument (you go into the argument and make them weaker).
-The other person tells you a proposition and presents arguments in support.
-You do not react by presenting new arguments, but only weaken the other person's arguments.
You do not respond by presenting new arguments, but only by weakening the other person's arguments.
against him.
Observation points:
-A group member (A) has a proposition and has five minutes to come up with arguments for it.
-The other person may not introduce new arguments, but must weaken the other person's arguments.
-How is the statement defended?
-In what way is A interrupted by B?
-Pay attention to the nonverbal communication.
-Watch the verbal communication: are they listening to each other, is B using new
arguments, do they both say clearly what they mean?
Statements (of course you can think them up yourself):
- Every eighteen-year-old should do one year of service.
- There should be fewer cells and more labor camps.
- The more television channels the better.
- Abortion should not be legalized.
- Older people over sixty should not be allowed to drive a car.
- Unemployment among young people can only be solved by forcing them to work.
- Young people who grow up in the city are much more advanced in their
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