Presentations, stories and how I look at things.
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Growing up.
Growing up to adulthood is like being on a train and travelling from Helsinki to the north of Finland. At some point the train enters Passila station. There are dozens of tracks as you enter and at the end of all those tracks one goes to the right and one to the left. Imagine that the left track is the wrong way and the right one is the right way. Switches go to the left, to the right or straight ahead. Some switches are turned in front of you, but of most of them you decide the direction.
In other words, you have to make choices which way you go, which way you set up the switch. The train moves slowly on and gets closer and closer to the point where it turns right or left, the right or the wrong way. As a young adult, you are always faced with moments of choice. Choices are often made for you but in general you make your own choices, you set the switch in a certain direction. The more you go to the left, the more effort you have to make in order to go to the right. In the end, the train drives in the right or the wrong direction and you are in that train.
This is part of your journey and not what you will encounter along the way or your final destination. Making choices, changing points, that's what it's all about. Of course you can discuss or ask how the switch can best be placed, but in the end it is up to you.
At the same time, there will be another difficult point from growing to maturity. You want to make your own choices, you fight for this. Some call it adolescence, others call it stubborn. Previously, choices were made for you (think of school, food, bedtime). Now you want to choose for yourself and you notice that you yourself are responsible for the consequences of your choices.
Previously you could blame others (especially your parents) for the consequences of your choices, now that is no longer possible. You can no longer hide behind the remark "yes, but you told me to" or "you said it was best for me".
I have experienced that "wisdom" myself through the many choices I have made. "Who do I hang out with, what do I drink, when do I get out of bed, do my schoolwork, what do I spend my money on, how do I get my money, do I hit someone, who do I sleep with, use a condom, go home". A small selection of the choices you might have to deal with. In all cases I thought I had made a good choice, only many situations turned out differently from how I had imagined it.
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