Feel welcome

Presentations, stories and how I look at things.


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Development, part of presentation "Human Professional".

Develop (presentation "Human Professional").
Many people have the need to develop themselves. When the person himself does not or hardly have that need, they are often helped by people from their environment. This support then comes from family, friends and/or professionals.
Pyramid of needs.
Abraham Maslow developed and published the needs pyramid in 1943. Maslow arranged the according to him universal needs of man in this hierarchy. According to his theory, man would only strive for satisfaction of the needs placed higher in the hierarchy after the needs placed lower in the hierarchy had been satisfied. The satisfaction of the physical needs is important for survival: food and drink, sleep, reproduction and protection against threatening conditions such as heat, frost and storms. Social needs include safety, security, social contact, love, appreciation, a sense of belonging and self-development.
Physical needs are conditions for survival, if one of the needs is not met then, sooner or later, life stops. Social needs have a different function and are often less visible. Contrary to what Maslow indicates, the different social needs can support and reinforce each other. For example, social contacts can help you with the feeling of belonging. Self-development and development are dominated by personal growth and will increase the feeling of self-esteem.
Feeling safe is an important condition for development. When, for example, you are bullied, you feel unwelcome somewhere, the group of people you are dealing with gives you the feeling that you do not belong or someone does not let you finish and interrupts you all the time, there is a good chance that you will feel unsafe. You may be more alert to what is going on in your immediate surroundings. Your focus will then be more on (social) survival than on development.

The professional:
As professionals, do we pay attention to making someone feel welcome and comfortable? It is mainly about "little things" that happen on a daily basis. Good morning - nice to have you there - listen to someone while he tells his story - let them answer for themselves instead of filling in - look a little further than what you see - don't judge too quickly. They are just small things that are meaningless in themselves, but when they occur regularly or are missed, it will affect someone's state of mind and development.
In my youth, education/development was mostly focused on learning new things. Language, arithmetic etc. had to be learned from books and notebooks. I was confronted with what I didn't know or couldn't do and believe me that was a lot, a lot. I got less and less self-confidence, with all its consequences. In the years that I have been a counsellor and teacher I was introduced to a form of developing namely "Natural learning". Natural learning means that you connect with someone's knowledge, talent and interest. In this way you increase the possibility of his positive development. In addition to creating a safe climate, making contact with the person involved is an important factor. Not only watching and listening, but especially mirroring is a much used form. In various (creative) ways you can find out what the person is interested in, where his passion lies, what talents he has or what he can talk about with pleasure. In short: "What makes a person smile". Maybe it's not the things that our passion is about or that we know about or are interested in. Connecting with the other person's world of experience, showing real commitment, increasing and improving contact. By mirroring people in an honest way you can show the valuable qualities/talents they possess. A smile is often the best moment when someone is open to learn new things. It may be a time-consuming way of working, but for target groups that have little success and have a less positive self-image, it can be successful. It gives them the opportunity to create perspective and are more motivated to engage in something that contributes to a positive development.

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