My experience.
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Sexual education.
The condom.
A student who worked with people with intellectual disabilities told me this situation. In the group live adults who have excellent contact with each other. So good in fact that a couple in love asked if they could have sex with each other.
The team gave its approval but with the restriction that it would be done safely. The personal assistant gave the clients concerned extensive information. It even went so far as to require explaining and demonstrating the use of a condom.
The clever attendant had come up with the idea of using a broomstick for this. Of course, the packaging was first checked for the expiration date. Then the supervisor took the condom out of its packaging and put it neatly on the handle of the broom. With the remark "think of the splinters".
The client did not quite understand and asked the attendant if he could do it once too. The client, under the watchful eye of his partner, duly performed the action. "Is this going to work," the attendant asked the couple and both gave him a big approving smile. "I'll just throw away the used condoms and put two new ones here for you." He explained that the second one was for a spare, because you never know.
After an hour the happy couple showed up again and the attendant was kind enough to offer his help with cleaning up the room. The couple were visibly happy with this and took the attendant to their living quarters. Once inside, the attendant saw the broomstick standing next to the bed ...... with a condom on it......
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