My experience.
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Your mom's a dirty .........hooker.
I can still see and feel this situation, it’s on my retina.
It was on the playing ground of an elementary school, belonging to our institution. I was arguing with a boy from our group, who was 10 years old. I am not sure what was it about anymore. In an outburst, the boy said to me: ‘’Your mom’s a dirty cancerous hooker’’. I was shocked about what it did to me, and I clammed up. In an easy but mostly contained way I asked the boy: ‘’If you mean it, say it again’’. The boy was startled by the tone I used to say it, and luckily did not repeat his words. Happily, because until today I don’t know what I would’ve done when he’d have said it again. I left the boy alone afterwards and I think he stepped out of our class. I went to a colleague and explained what happened.
Fact: my mom was in the hospital for a few weeks, terminally ill.
This situation I use in the class ‘’If I (professional attitude)’’ in the educational program Social Work.
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